Testimonials from our clients


Relieve Respiratory Conditions

Relief from Chronic coughing and Asthma-like symptoms

I wish to share the huge positive change TCM and acupuncture, under the guidance and care of Dr. Shen, have had on our young daughter’s life. She had been coughing for ten months when I brought her to see Dr. Shen.

My daughter’s daily regime included using two inhalers and taking a chewable anti-asthma pill each morning; coughing through most of the day, taking a daily antihistamine in the evening and using her inhalers again at bed time. Additionally, she had to have EVERYTHING removed from her room and new furniture built to enclose anything that could be a potential allergen. At school she has been affected by pollen and grass. In general she has to be careful about laughing in case it triggers an attack of coughing.However, the doctors (and we saw many) were quick to say she did not have asthma (just chronic asthmatic symptoms).

Fast forward to visiting Dr. Shen.While my daughter is not keen on the acupuncture, she is willing to do it BECAUSE IT HAS WORKED. After five visits to Dr. Shen, the coughing is now at rare intervals and does not last for long. The difference in my daughter’s overall feeling of well being, because she is not so run down from so much coughing, is noticeable. Always a chatty, energetic child, now she can once again be herself with the tiredness from interrupted sleep being lessened through the TCM treatments.

Dr. Shen is gentle, patient and encouraging and has really demonstrated to my child (and our family) that Eastern medicine can be as vital to our positive daily life as Western medical practices.

— Brenda Khoo

Relief from Respiratory issues and Digestive discomfort through Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment

I have been struggling with a health issue for over 3 years which has caused me a lot of grief. It started off with difficulty breathing just now and then while exercising. It gradually got worse and my body started producing a lot of mucous which seemed to accumulate in my bronchials causing tightness in my chest and a cough. At night it was really bad and I often woke up not being able to breath. After many visits to my G.P. and lots of tests, I was informed I had exercise-induced asthma and was given a puffer to use. I wasn’t convinced the doctors were right as I was also starting to have problems with digestion and suffered a lot of discomfort after eating which sometimes also caused me to have shortness of breath. I was having to use a puffer several times during the day and at night which I hated as I’ve hardly ever had to take medication and prefer not to.

I found that by eliminating certain foods my symptoms would ease right off and I’d start feeling somewhat better but it wouldn’t last long and gradually I would be back with the same problems. The build up of mucous caused me a lot of discomfort and would be very difficult to get rid of.

A friend of mine told me about Dr. Shen. I had been considering acupuncture so decided to make an appointment. The initial consultation was very thorough indeed and Dr. Shen recommended start off with two treatments per week and prescribed a herbal mixture which I began taking after the first treatment. After just 4 treatments I started noticing improvements. The mucous had pretty well gone as had my cough. I was hardly having to use my puffer, even when I was exercising. The only time I needed it was once during the night.

I have just finished my 5th treatment and, because I am responding so well, Dr. Shen has reduced my visits to once per week to see how I go. I do still have some discomfort in my stomach after eating but not after every meal and certainly not as bad. I am very pleased with my progress. Thank you Dr. Shen.

— J.W.

Effective treatment for Flu with and Chinese medicine

Did you know acupuncture can help you with the flu? I phoned to cancel my prescheduled acupunture treatment for sore shoulders because I had woken up with the flu. Dr. H. Shen encouraged me to still keep my appointment because she could treat the flu. I carried my aching body over to her office. The next day I felt WAY better, my fever had broke and the horrible headache and achy body feel was gone.

I was still tired the next 3 days but I felt so much better a day after her acupuncture and Chinese Medicine treatment. The next time I wake up with the flu I will immediately go in to see her. It really made an enormous difference. My son and husband had the same flu just two weeks prior to me and they suffered for 3 weeks because we did not know of Dr. H. Shen could help with the flu. She is very knowledgeable and gentle.

Pain Management and Relief & Neurological and Musculoskeletal Issues

Immediate relief from constant Lower back pain

Thanks for your help in resolving the pain in my lower back so quickly. I was experiencing a constant pain in the lower back. I online self diagnosed it as sciatica but, regardless of what it was, it was painful and constant.

After the first treatment I felt immediate relief and was able to move more freely. The constant pain had left. I still experienced some pain when I moved certain ways but it was not as sharp as when I first arrived at your office. After the second treatment the pain was gone.

I have already started recommending you to my friends!
Thanks again!

— Phil H.

Successful treatment for Hip pain, Enlarged prostate, and Energy boost

I have been a patient of Dr. Hannah Shen for several years. During these times she has successfully treated my hip pain and my enlarge prostate. After these treatments I experienced a reduction in hip pain and found that my prostate was now allowing me to have less interrupted sleep since I did not have to go to the bathroom during the night. My latest experience with Dr. Shen was to increase the flow of Chi in preparation for surgery. I am pleased to report that my energy level has increased.

— Bruce White.

Relief from tingling sensation in fingers after injury

About eight months ago I suffered an injury that left me with a “frozen left shoulder.” I diligently performed the exercises my physiotherapist prescribed and in six months I regained the mobility I had lost. However, I was left with a tingling sensation in my thumb, index finger and small finger, on my left hand.

While in the Tsawwassen Professional Building I saw the sign for Dr. Shen Acupuncture and Herbology Clinic and I went straight in to make an appointment for acupuncture. Although I didn’t have first-hand experience with acupuncture myself, other family members had found it very beneficial.

After the first acupuncture session I noticed a 50% decrease in the intensity and duration of the tingling. After four sessions the tingling was reduced by about 65%and after eight visits the tingling is reduced by approximately 95%.

Thank you Dr. Shen.

— Phyllis McGrath

Compassionate care and effective treatment for Chronic back pain

Dr. Shen is the most warm, caring and emapthetic doctor I’ve ever met. She fixed my back pain after years of struggle and I’d go back to her for anything. I miss her being a part of my week. Her profession suits her well.

Farrell Cambrey

Relief from severe Lower back pain

I went to see Dr. Shen when I was experiencing severe lower back pain. I was seeing a chiropractor, and it was suggested by a friend to try acupuncture. I decided to try it, despite being a little skeptical. I live in Tsawwassen, so Dr. Shen was close.

In my first visit, I found Dr. Shen very thorough in our initial discussion, and she made me feel completely comfortable with the process.

Within a few minutes of the actual acupuncture procedure, I felt relief.

Over the next two weeks, I saw Dr. Shen a few more times. My lower back pain continued to improve dramatically.

I found Dr. Shen herself to be a very professional and caring person, and the results speak for themselves. I highly recommend her if you are considering acupuncture…you will be in the best of care.

Colin McWhinnie

Effective treatment for pain, Vertigo, and Headaches with TCM

Dr. Shen was initially referred by one of my friends appraising her impressive TCM knowledge and treatment on tough sicknesses with no immediate medical cure.

I have experienced dull and sharp pain from the surgery of major bone fractures (tibia and fibula). Dr. Shen treated me and reduced the pain in a couple of treatments. I used to afraid of needles; however, Dr. Shen totally changed my attitude towards TCM. I felt I was given “organic” no side-affected treatment.

I also experienced Vertigo, suspected kidney stone pain, and headaches in the past. Dr. Shen freed me from discomfort and frustration with her stellar TCM’s knowledge and skills.

Dr. Shen’s caring nature suits her profession well as a medical practitioner. She is the most humble and knowledgeable TCM doctor that I have ever had. I am currently being treated with tinnitus and making a great progress.

I would definitely recommend Shen Acupuncture & Herbology Clinic to those seeking second opinon when no other treatment works.

janice x

Helped relieve my Spinal/Sciatic problems

I went to Dr Shen with the spinal/sciatic problems which had become severe enough to affect my life style, and having tried other well recognized forms of treatment, none of which offered any lasting relief.

After four treatments I was experiencing a marked improvement in my comfort level, and after six, am feeling better than I’ve felt in over a year.

— Ted Cook.

Effective treatment for Knee issues and Surgery recovery

I visited Shen Acupuncture as I was frustrated with ongoing knee issues (including pain, stiffness, and limited ROM) resulting from a complete ACL tear, meniscus tear and damage to my MCL. I decided to try acupuncture in the hopes that it might help me while I waited for surgery.

I am happy to report that Dr. Shen’s treatment far exceeded my expectations! With regular treatment, I was able to get back to most of my activities while I waited for surgery ( wearing a knee brace of course). This included playing ice hockey, hiking the grind on a regular basis, ballet, yoga, biking and walking daily. In fact, before my surgery, I was able to fully rest in child’s pose for a prolonged period of time! (remember, this is with the terrible triad- ACL, MCL, and meniscus) I was not able to do that at all before visiting Dr. Shen!!

I finally had ACL reconstruction surgery eight weeks ago. At my first physiotherapy appointment, my physiotherapist expressed her concerns about my slow progress two weeks post op. My ROM was only 40 degrees. I promptly made an appointment with Dr. Shen. One week later, pain and swelling were reduced, I was completely off pain medication, and ROM increased by 20 degrees in one week. I also had challenges with muscle spasms in my calf. This was also alleviated with Dr. Shen’s treatment.

Further to the complications, I had a significant amount of numbness from the surgery. This ran from my knee, along the front of my shin bone, all the way down to my heel. I am happy to report that the area of numbness is significantly reduced with treatment from Dr. Shen.

I will also add that recently, Dr. Shen was away for a few weeks. During this time I did not receive acupuncture. I became very frustrated with my progress once again. I plateaued in her absence. My weekly physiotherapy visit showed only a 3 degree improvement in ROM with a significant amount of effort on my part to get that 3 degrees! I also now had the pain associated with patellofemoral syndrome.

I am back to receiving treatment, and am once again feeling like I am making good progress. I am very close to full ROM!

I am so thankful to have someone like Dr. Shen available to me. She brings a wealth of experience and knowledge in TCM. She is thoughtful in considering the diverse and complicated needs of each and every patient. She also prides herself in instructing students of TCM as well as traveling locally and abroad to learn from other TCM practitioners.
If you are experiencing pain, discomfort, or are recovering from surgery, please do yourself a favour and see Dr. Shen. We are really very fortunate to have someone so experienced and skilled in TCM available to us.

Colleen G.

Chronic bursitis causing daily pain and limited mobility

I was first diagnosed with bursitis in my right shoulder more than 22 years ago. Since that time I have lived with varying levels of pain on a daily basis. When the pain becomes so severe that I am unable to raise my arm I get cortisone injections, which give temporary relief for a few months. In the past five years I’ve lived on a steady diet of Advil and Celebrex.

Three months ago a neighbour suggested I try acupuncture with Dr. Shen. Why not? Since then I’ve had 6 acupuncture sessions with Dr. Shen. Even as I type this I still cannot believe that I am now pain free. I can honestly say that Dr. Shen is a master in her field of study.

— Anne L.

Relief from pain, Heart fibrillations, Foot-drop, Enlarged prostate, Neuropathy, and Restless legs syndrome

Pain in the back of my head started slowly but grew to be persistent and severe. Ibuprofen pain killers were effective but my doctor advised against taking them over the long term, instead prescribing a different drug and DMS or deep muscle stimulation. Neither the drug nor the stimulation worked – the pain persisted. My physiotherapist instead advised me to try acupuncture and referred me to Dr. Hannah Shen at “Shen Acupuncture and Herbology Clinic”. I had never tried acupuncture before but since nothing else had worked, I had nothing to lose.

Dr. Shen started the acupuncture treatments and gave me a series of herb mixtures to drink. Gradually, the pain started receding and I could stop taking pain killers. Towards the end of the treatment the pain very briefly came back strongly but then completely disappeared and I have not had any pain since.

Shortly after my pain treatment was completed, I began to get heart fibrillations. The first time it lasted about 7 hours, over the following days each incident would last a shorter time. Rushing to the hospital emergency proved futile as the fibrillations would stop before I got hooked up for the doctor to see what was going on. However, eventually I wore a heart monitor for 48 hours and I managed to get one incident recorded. This confirmed I had atrial fibrillations and was prescribed medication to take when needed. In the meantime, I had started to receive acupuncture treatments by Dr. Shen and the frequency of incidents decreased. Since being prescribed medication, I have only had to use two tablets and no longer worry about this condition as I feel the acupuncture treatment has worked so well. Recently, I had an emergency operation that kept me in hospital for over two weeks. When I came home after that stay, I found I had what was later diagnosed at VGH as “foot-drop” where I could not lift the front part of my foot. I was told braces would help. When I discussed this serious condition with Dr. Shen I was told not to worry and that she could treat the condition. And she did. I am now completely back to normal.

Like many other men of my age I have an enlarged prostate. This has resulted in increased frequency of urination and the voiding of smaller amounts. After Dr. Shen gave me a series of acupuncture treatments coupled with herbs, I experienced a dramatic reduction in the frequency of urination and an associated larger amount voided each time. Instead of having to plan my trips out and about according to the location of washrooms, I can now go about my daily life with much less concern and it has made life a lot less stressful.

For the past ten to twelve years I have suffered from Neuropathy in both legs. It started with numbness on the outside of my upper right leg so I could not tell the difference if touched by a sharp or dull object. Eventually the numbness spread to the soles of my feet as well as my toes, upper parts of my feet and the legs up to my knees. Associated with this was some irregular pain. Western medicine has no treatment for neuropathy apart from pain killers. I am now undergoing treatment by Dr. Shen using ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine’ (TCM). The irregular pain is gone and the numbness below the knee and on the top of my feet is gone. Circulation in my feet is greatly improved and my ice cold feet now have normal temperature. The numbness on the soles of my feet is decreasing. I accept that a condition that has been developing over so many years will need treatments over a period of time to reverse but I am confident that I will eventually have normal sensations in my feet again.

My wife has suffered from ‘restless legs syndrome’, most often expressed when trying to sleep. I suggested she should try acupuncture treatment by Dr. Shen which she did. The treatments she received has now eliminated this annoying condition and improved her sleep pattern.

We have achieved these positive results by carefully following the instructions for the treatments, and occasional homework.
There is no doubt in my mind as to the effectiveness of the acupuncture and herbology treatments used with TCM as practiced by Dr. Shen. She has always been honest and professional in her assessments and treatments. I highly recommend her.


Migraines, Tension headaches, Digestive problems, and Infertility: transformed with exceptional care

It’s not enough to thank you for all your hard work but I want others to know how special you are. You are very passionate about your work and all your patients appreciate your dedication to us.

Condition: Migraines, tension headaches, digestive problems and Infertility

My life changed drastically after going to see Dr. Shen and I am so grateful for her. Dr. Shen is an Exceptional Doctor and a very warm kindhearted person. I highly highly recommend her to anyone in need of healing.

I came to see Dr. Shen several years ago for my migraines and tension headaches. I had been a migraine sufferer for 28 years and had tension headaches every day of my life. The pain was unbearable at times and it was hard to function at work.

I remember the expression on Dr. Shen’s face when she first asked to see my tongue and I just knew I was very unhealthy. I was determined to get her to like my tongue and begin to see her weekly. Dr. Shen was totally focused and engaged in my healing. After a few sessions my daily tension headaches were gone. A couple months later after acupuncture and herbs my digestive problems were better and I rarely got migraines. My life was so much better now that I was free of headaches and medications.

A couple years later I went back to Dr. Shen for infertility issues. I was 38 years old and was told by a fertility specialist that even IVF likely wouldn’t work with the quality/quantity of my eggs. I was devastated and so discouraged. Dr. Shen was so compassionate and caring with me. She spent some of her own spare time researching infertility to get the best result and always prepared every session for different treatments. I did auricular therapy, body/ scalp acupuncture, moxibustion and herbs. After several months I got pregnant naturally and gave birth to a beautiful healthy girl. Dr. Shen also helped me during my pregnancy with nausea and fatigue.

Dr. Shen is so warm and honest making treatments so relaxing. I am always impressed with her expertise and commitment to providing the best treatment possible.

Dr. Shen THANK YOU SO MUCH for healing me and making my dream of being a mother come true. I owe my good health to you. I can’t thank you enough. You are AMAZING and I’m blessed that I found you.

— M.B.

From skepticism to trust: TCM treatment for Vertigo, Headache, and Kidney stone pain

I have seen Dr. Shen for more than two years. I changed my attitude towards TCM from hesitation to totally trust because of Dr. Shen’s stellar skills and knowledge.

I had experience of vertigo, headache and suspected kidney stone pain. Dr. Shen was able to treat me with TCM and completely healed.

Relief from severe Nerve pain through Acupuncture and Herbal Tinctures

I was recently diagnosed with a pinched nerve in my back as a result of lumbar spine disc bulge. It caused sciatic nerve pain radiating down my left leg. The pain was severe and I was given a nerve bloc and strong pain medication by my doctor, which allowed me to go on a long planned cruise 3 days later. The pills held the pain at bay but I was constantly dizzy, disoriented and nauseated throughout the cruise because of the medication. I stopped taking the medication as soon as I returned home but of course all it had done was hold the pain at bay, it did nothing towards un- pinching the nerve.

A friend suggested Acupuncture to me as she knew someone who had received treatments with good results. I knew nothing about Acupuncture but decided I would try it as I still had severe nerve pain. And so I got in touch with Dr. Shen. I experienced a lessening of the pain from the first treatment. Dr. Shen also gave me an herbal tincture which I was to dab onto the parts of the leg where the pain was. Mostly hip, knee and ankle. I subsequently had 6 treatments and each time the pain continued to lessen. I also noticed that I had more energy as time went by.

Dr. Shen is a very caring doctor and I am so glad that I tried acupuncture. I will not hesitate to see Dr. Shen whenever it seems necessary and I am recommending Dr. Shen to my friends and family and anyone who reads this testimonial.

— Jan S.


Treatment for Withdrawal symptoms from narcotic painkillers and Benzodiazepines

Thank you so much Dr. Shen for helping me get through my withdrawal symptoms. In the spring of 2012 I became addicted to hydromorphone (a strong narcotic painkiller) and benzodiazepines (such as valium). In October I decided to stop these medications and to start detoxification.

I first went to a treatment center for the first week of the detoxification and after that I went to see Dr. Shen to help me with the various withdrawal symptoms I had. I experienced extreme fatigue, insomnia, decreased appetite, extreme irritability, muscle ache and joint pain just to name a few.

I had some experience with TCM earlier in life so decided to get some relieve through acupuncture. Dr. Shen was happy to help and was very accommodating with the multiple appointments I needed.

TCM is not a quick fix like we are used to living in western society, but as the days progressed I felt relieve from many of the symptoms. Most striking was that I always had more energy after treatment. Pain and irritability slowly passed. After one week of treatment I was sleeping better, eating better and had more energy to get through the day.

Again thank you so much!
With kind regards,

— R. H.

Mental Health and Emotional Well-being

Alternative medicine relieves chronic pain, fatigue, and anxiety for Fibromyalgia and Arthritis patient

Several years ago I suffered from chronic pain due to fibromyalgia and arthritis. I also experienced fatigue, anxiety, depression, and frequent panic attacks. My doctor had been unable to offer much help with these various conditions.

I was fortunate to learn of Hannah Shen, a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, who was able to help me tremendously through acupuncture. I never knew before that non-physical conditions, such as anxiety, depression and panic attacks could even be treated with acupuncture, but now I know differently.

Last year, I became very ill with extremely swollen legs and feet. My body was retaining fluid and I suffered from back pain. I was unable to wear anything on my feet because they had swelled so much, nor could I walk or get in and out of a vehicle. It even became impossible for me to get into bed and, for three months, I had to sleep in an armchair!

Again, the medication prescribed by my GP did nothing to alleviate my suffering so, once again, I turned to alternative medicine. Dr. Shen kindly came to my home and treated me with acupuncture and herbs and we had great success.

Thank you, Dr. Shen, I am certain that I would not be here today, wearing my shoes and walking again and still living independently, if it were not for your treatment.

Thank you and God Bless!

— E.S.

Overcome depression and anxiety caused by cancer treatment

I would like to share my experience with Dr. Shen. I have suffered from mild depression and anxiety for about 20 years. I was then diagnosed with breast cancer. I underwent chemo therapy and hormone treatment. It was then that my depression and anxiety went downhill at a very fast pace. I had daily thoughts of suicide and my anxiety had got so bad that I could hardly write my name. I was taking a combination of antidepressants, anti-anxiety and sleeping pills. I found myself in such a bad state that I had great difficulty leaving the house. A friend of mine had asked me if I have ever tried acupuncture.

I have to admit that I was not very knowledgeable regarding Chinese medicine, but I went ahead with it. The acupuncture treatments have improved my state of mind and health immensely. I was also very surprised throughout the treatments that my allergy symptoms had been greatly reduced. (I did not mention to Dr. Shen that I was an allergy sufferer) I am now in much better health and I sleep better. The acupuncture really does heal the whole body.

I found Dr. Shen to be very knowledgeable and professional. She took the time and really listened to me and my problems. I would highly recommend her. I was extremely happy with the results.

Thank you,
— AV

Women’s Health

Migraines, Tension headaches, Digestive problems, and Infertility: transformed with exceptional care

It’s not enough to thank you for all your hard work but I want others to know how special you are. You are very passionate about your work and all your patients appreciate your dedication to us.

Condition: Migraines, tension headaches, digestive problems and Infertility

My life changed drastically after going to see Dr. Shen and I am so grateful for her. Dr. Shen is an Exceptional Doctor and a very warm kindhearted person. I highly highly recommend her to anyone in need of healing.

I came to see Dr. Shen several years ago for my migraines and tension headaches. I had been a migraine sufferer for 28 years and had tension headaches every day of my life. The pain was unbearable at times and it was hard to function at work.

I remember the expression on Dr. Shen’s face when she first asked to see my tongue and I just knew I was very unhealthy. I was determined to get her to like my tongue and begin to see her weekly. Dr. Shen was totally focused and engaged in my healing. After a few sessions my daily tension headaches were gone. A couple months later after acupuncture and herbs my digestive problems were better and I rarely got migraines. My life was so much better now that I was free of headaches and medications.

A couple years later I went back to Dr. Shen for infertility issues. I was 38 years old and was told by a fertility specialist that even IVF likely wouldn’t work with the quality/quantity of my eggs. I was devastated and so discouraged. Dr. Shen was so compassionate and caring with me. She spent some of her own spare time researching infertility to get the best result and always prepared every session for different treatments. I did auricular therapy, body/ scalp acupuncture, moxibustion and herbs. After several months I got pregnant naturally and gave birth to a beautiful healthy girl. Dr. Shen also helped me during my pregnancy with nausea and fatigue.

Dr. Shen is so warm and honest making treatments so relaxing. I am always impressed with her expertise and commitment to providing the best treatment possible.

Dr. Shen THANK YOU SO MUCH for healing me and making my dream of being a mother come true. I owe my good health to you. I can’t thank you enough. You are AMAZING and I’m blessed that I found you.

— M.B.

Successful conception with and Herbal Treatments for unknown Infertility

J, aged 41 years, diagnosed unknown infertility 2010

My partner and I had been trying to conceive for almost two years. We had numerous tests and were diagnosed with unknown infertility.

At that stage we had a series of unsuccessful fertility treatments including two sessions of interuterine insemination (IUI) and IVF which proved unsuccessful as I did not respond to the drugs. At the age of 41 I was keen to try other options and looked at traditional Chinese medicine.

At that stage I met Dr Hannah Shen who informed me I had to focus on myself. By that stage I felt extremely pressured to conceive given my age and her words made me realize the desire had overtaken me. I was treated with acupuncture and a variety of herbal teas initially to get me to a foundation stage as I was so stressed out. After around 2 weeks of twice weekly treatments I felt better and more positive about myself than I had before. After a total of five weeks of acupuncture and herbal treatments I had to journey away on business but continued the tea drinking. During the time away I was able to meet up with my partner and when I returned it transpired that I was pregnant.

I had only been receiving treatment for a total of seven weeks. We were overjoyed at the progress and I am still in a state of disbelief that I am pregnant. I do not believe I would have been able to conceive without all of the treatment and guidance I received. I shall continue to use all of the knowledge I have gathered to date going forwards to stay positive and lead my life in a different way.

Thank you so much Dr Shen!

— J.

Treatment for Ovarian Cyst rupture and Abdominal pain

I came to Dr. Shen with severe pain in my abdomen caused by a ruptured ovarian cyst.

After my treatment, I started to feel less pain. Also, I had ear acupuncture medicine done. As the pain in my ears (when I touched the seeds) lessened over time, I could feel a corresponding reduction in the pain in my abdomen. I also had treatment for severe back pain in specific vertebrae. The next day I started to feel the pain lessen. Acupuncture is generally not very painful and I recommend it.

— G.S.

Relieve symptoms associated with menopausal syndrome

I highly recommend Dr Shen: she is courteous, professional and friendly. I went to her with hot flashes that were occurring 8-12/night and 3-5/day. I was barely sleeping. After the first treatment the frequency was reduced to 2/night and 2/day. In addition, the intensity was reduced.

I was able to return to sleep quite easily. After 10 treatments, I now have a very mild warm flash 1/48 hours. My sleep has improved. A friend recommended Dr Shen to me -and now I recommend her to my friends and family

Julie W

Acupuncture induce labour

Hi Dr. Shen,

I wanted to thank you for all of your help with the acupuncture to induce labour. I went into labour at 2:00pm on Tuesday, May 23rd and our son was born at 3:59pm. When I arrived at the hospital, I was already 9cm dilated and after only 10 minutes of pushing, he arrived. I am thankful it was so fast, but it was of course very painful.

Thank you again! I really appreciate all of your help.


Helped me conceive a child and improved my overall health

I came to see Dr. Shen in 2007 in hopes of improving my chances of conceiving a child. Due to a jarring car accident and subsequent life stress, my cycle was off, and it was proving difficult to get pregnant. When I came to Dr. Shen, I also discussed that I was experiencing fatigue, stress and dry sore eyes following laser surgery.

While I had seen an acupuncturist in the past for other matters, I was referred to acupuncture to deal with these issues as well. This was my first experience with Dr. Shen. Although I was initially intimidated by the approach of acupuncture in my scalp, Dr. Shen established a trust in me, and I soon noticed the health benefits. Given the nature of my concerns, some improved quicker than others. Through a series of regular visits, and a combination of traditional Chinese medicinal teas over about 4-5 months, my cycle was normalized, I did get pregnant, and in December 2008 I gave birth to an incredibly beautiful and healthy daughter.

During the course of my visits to Dr. Shen, I came to learn that she has vast experience in the field and excellent schooling in the top school in Beijing, China where patients travelled from around the world to be treated. I was suitably impressed by her credentials.

Based on my personal experience with Dr. Shen, I highly recommend her practice and know that her expertise and persistent and caring dedication to people’s health and wellbeing is immeasurable.

— Rosanne P.

Skin and Allergy Issues

Treatment for bee sting swelling and loss of movement

I received 3 bee stings to my thumb causing extreme throbbing pain and subsequent swelling to about three times the normal size of my thumb. This all occurred within three hours of the episode. There was also loss of movement due to the excessive swelling. One day after the stings, i received acupuncture treatment for the swelling and immobilization of the thumb. After treatment, the swelling had subsided completely and I regained full movement.

The treatment was totally painless and relaxing in fact I, actually fell asleep and woke to the marvel of a totally normal thumb with no residual effects of the venom.

Normally when I have had a sting on a finger, the skin on the finger peels completely away. This after effect did not occur following the acupuncture.

I would highly recommend acupuncture as a means to reduce the after effects of bee sting.

— Julia Common

Child’s skin disease cured with alternative treatment

Better Parenting Through Acupuncture

When my now 11 year old daughter was six, she was diagnosed with a skin disease called Granuloma Annulare. This is a relatively common condition for children. Though each medical provider could easily identify the condition, none could provide a solution to the problem.

We were told the disease would go away by itself after a few years. 2 ½ years passed and the condition worsened. It grew larger as my daughter’s hands and feet grew. We were prescribed steroid creams and antibiotic creams with the caveat that they were not expected to work to eradicate the disease. Weary of this approach, and unable to give my daughter medicine that was not truly warranted, we came to Dr. Shen.

We were unfamiliar with acupuncture but desperate to try anything that did not promise harmful side effects. After 6 sessions of acupuncture and 3 weeks time, the Granuloma Annulare receded, abated, then all but disappeared! After 3 years! This was two years ago. The condition continues to be a thing of the past. We are forever grateful for Dr. Shen, for the treatment, and ultimately for the cure!

– JiJi H

Relief from Psoriasis through natural treatment

I have had psoriasis for many years and have used many prescriptions and have helped me over the years. But this year these prescriptions weren’t working as well as they had in the past years. So I decided to try TCM and I must admit I was a skeptic at first, but Hannah is knowledgeable in her field and made me feel comfortable. And my skin is healing and I feel so much better. At this time I have had 10 -12 treatments.

— Denise

Practitioner Experience and Practice Fundamentals

Curing a variety of ailments for a whole family.

Thank you, Dr. Shen, for all the help you have given to me and my family over the years. From arthritic hip pain to sciatica, spinal degeneration to gout, you have cured me in what felt like no time at all. I have been intrigued with the different methods you have employed: scalp and navel acupuncture and auricular seeds. Each method you have chosen has done its work remarkably well, not to mention the various herbal remedies prescribed.

You have enabled my daughter to live in remission from Crohn’s Disease for 5 years. I would like to say cured but I know that with Crohn’s it could flare up again at any time. But 5 years symptom-free is as close to a cure as you can get.

My husband and son are also indebted to you for relieving them of pain from serious injuries, as is my mother for helping her with heart palpitations.

All in all, my family is so happy that you decided to settle in Tsawwassen!

Warmest Regards

— J. Do

Experienced TCM Practitioner with Extensive Education and Teaching Background

Dr Shen is a true gem when it comes to TCM knowledge. She’s excessively humble but don’t let that fool you. She has more education behind her than anyone I’ve met and she used to teach acupuncture in China and at local universities.